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Moxie Zoom: Why You Have Nothing to Wear and What To Do About It

March 12, 2021 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Join Kristen and Moxie Founder Susan for a fun filled hour talking about Why You Have Nothing to Wear and what to do about it.

Bio: Kristen Cain is a Style + Mindset Coach for savvy women who crave effortless personal style. She educates and empowers women to create a wardrobe they actually love wearing.

Kristen has spent 20+ years in closets and fitting rooms helping women realize that incredible style begins with who you want to be and how you want to feel in your clothes. She’s on a mission to help women overcome the obstacles that lead to a closet full of “nothing to wear”.

“My heart is in coaching women who want to look put-together and are tired of trying to figure it out themselves.”

Website: kristencainstyle.com

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Topic: Moxie Zoom Latte
Time: Mar 12, 2021 12:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Mar 12, 2021 12:00 PM
Mar 19, 2021 10:00 AM
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March 12, 2021
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
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