Volunteer with Moxie Moms to help prepare backpacks for students. Adults with children 5+ years are welcome to sign up for Tuesday, July 23, from 1-3 pm.
Sign up here https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0e4da5ab23a0f85-volunteers1
Crayons to Calculators is a school-supply drive created to ensure that local students head back to school with the tools they need to succeed.
If possible, please bring a new backpack filled with school supplies. Click here for the BVSD supply list https://crayonstocalculators.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/C2C-School-Supply-List-BVSD-for-Community.pdf.
Empty backpacks or new and unused loose supplies will also be accepted.
Date: 07/23/2019 (Tue.)Time: 1:00pm – 3:00pm MDT
Location: Community Montessori, 805 Gillaspie Dr, Boulder